看到彼此的學生準備著禮物(馬來西亞)2012-03-21(星期三)與馬來西亞「教室」連結的進度:++++++++++馬來西亞老師放上了他們學生正在準備禮物的照片:我們也去信,告訴馬來西亞老師,我們已經去了郵局,找房子可是,因為得寫國際郵包出貨單,所以,得再等等我們完成「紙上作業」。 愛情公寓貼文軟體03/15Dear Yoke 烤肉食材:Thank you for the message.We are ready with the parcel for you.Due to the complicated paper work at the post office,++ it can%26#39;t be sent today.We%26#39;ll try next week.Susie++++++++++馬來西亞老師來信,說,看到我們已經去了郵局,很開心。他們也已經快準備好包裹了,也將關於裡面的租房子物件的「謎題」傳給我們,讓我們猜猜看。15/03/16Dear Susie,So excited to see u all at the post office. We are on 1 week break now. In 台南防水the process of finalising things for the box. Once school reopens I will gather everything from the students and hopefully will be able to send the box G2000by next week. Meanwhile I will upload my quiz questions about the itemsin the box onto the project space. Hope it will generate some excitement about what to expect in the box.Yoke ++++++++++告訴馬來西亞老師,已經把他們的「謎題」放上我的CC的FB裡,準備讓學生去找答案,希望藉此讓學生可以房屋貸款認識馬來西亞。 自動貼文軟體15/03/21Dear Yoke:Thank you for putting the quiz together. I hope the students will enjoy research those questions and get to know your culture better.I just posted it on our CCOC facebook group page. We should see some answers in a couple of weeks.I believe this 租屋網will generate some interest in your country.Susie++++++++++++++++++++馬來西亞朋友的問題單:A Malaysian Quiz designed specially for our Taiwanese friends in Kunshan. 1. What is the natio 發信軟體nal flower of Malaysia? 2. Malaysia’s national anthem is called 土地買賣__________________. 3. What is the official attire of all the races in Malaysia? 4. How many stripes are there on the Malaysian flag? 5. The Malaysian traditional house is built on ____________ and has large ______________. 6. What is the name of the popular fruit which 找房子has a strong smell and is a favourite amongst all Malaysians? 7. What type of leaves do the Malaysian women us 廣告行銷軟體e to weave mats? 8. The Malaysian compressed rice cake is called ____________ _____________. 9. The traditional game of top-spinning is called _______________ in 租辦公室Malaysia. 10. What is the Malaysian currency called and how is it denoted?++++++++++請問各位知道答案嗎?我不知道。大家一起找答案囉!++++++++++++++謝謝尤榮輝老師遠距教學指導CCOC英國文化協會網站的使用,才得以有這些進度,非常感謝。網賣房子頁設計 r>

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